• Hi,

    I have a nodemcu board (esp8266-esp12). I saved a wrong js code into. Now I can't save a new working code.

    I got this from the chrome ide:

    > 30648, room 16
    >{ll|$à|Ädìc<Çä{ÛcÄbóogl'oÜãì[#p](http://forum.espruino.com/search/?q­=%23p)ì${ls$pò'àlcoã<ìÇ#óogïll ogl n;ÛgÜlxûoà;ãà#'ã|lbóogç$`Ø'oll n{gl``óoàcnlûg'çdpûgàsãàcnâ|cÄò'oï$l`Ø'od`gsobã$`rÛgcãl`çÿYåÍõ66515 rtc=17857
    {$§Loading -491521 bytes from flash...

    I reflashed with this command (as i flashed first time the espruino firmware):

    ./esptool -bm qio -bz 512K -bf 40 -cp /dev/ttyUSB0 -cb 115200 -cd nodemcu -ca 0x00000 -cf espruino_esp8266_board_0x00000.bin -ca 0x10000 -cf espruino_esp8266_board_0x10000.bin

    I installed arduino dev. env. And successfully uploaded wifi and blink code to it, so the board is working. After that I re flashed the espruino binaries, but it's is wrong.

    What can I do to continue develop js code, and can save a new working code?



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