• Ahh - that's actually a side-effect of you using ESP8266, which doesn't have any info listed on the Espruino site.

    When you first connect, the IDE asks the board what it is, and then it looks online for more info. For instance for the Pico it gets this file, which tells it which modules are built in as well as all kinds of extra info about pins and stuff.

    It's auto-generated from the BOARD.py file, so when you submit the ESP8266 port it'll go on the website.

    In the longer term it's probably more sensible to have the board itself report that back (as you can have different builds with different stuff built in), but that could be added later. There's also the risk of the board having to send too much information back when you connect (for instance you don't want it to send all the info about its pins, as that would really add a noticeable delay to the connection).


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