• Hi, all calculations are working correctly. This discussion helped greatly to make it fast and reliable.
    The trouble now comes with real world randomness and handling it in real time at no cost...
    So checksums are correct and yet, after hours, it fails: See my post above.
    Now, about the challenge, it is amazing to see how a language, designed to handle the unordered tcp/ip answers in a web browser, can also handle real world unexpected failures in almost real time context on such a small device.

    The final goal is to have a battery operated device with gps, 'smart' logging of data on sd card and occasionnal wifi transferts through the web (mqtt or so). In fact I still have not abandonned the idea to have a 3 months autonomy on the base of an inactive device most of the time. Reactivating it would be done by some shacking sensor.

    I know I could do that in bare metal C. However, the hardware diagnostic would be much more painfull.
    Espruino's interpreter is well worth the effort to make it better and that kind of project: time, memory and energy constrained are definitly something for small platforms like the Espruino boards.


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