Hmm, that's frustrating. On the Original 1v4 board I had issues where the LSE on the production prototypes didn't work because of mismatched capacitance. At the late stage of production we found that the crystal worked fine if you just removed the load capacitors, so we just did that.
It is possible that by adding (~4pF?) load capacitors by X3 would increase the accuracy quite a bit on the original board... However getting significantly worse results based on temperature it sounds like the LSE could have stopped and Espruino reverted to the LSI?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Hmm, that's frustrating. On the Original 1v4 board I had issues where the LSE on the production prototypes didn't work because of mismatched capacitance. At the late stage of production we found that the crystal worked fine if you just removed the load capacitors, so we just did that.
It is possible that by adding (~4pF?) load capacitors by X3 would increase the accuracy quite a bit on the original board... However getting significantly worse results based on temperature it sounds like the LSE could have stopped and Espruino reverted to the LSI?