As others have said, GPS and WiFi should be no problem at all - it's something Espruino will be very good at. I'd recommend you use the ESP8266 for WiFi at the moment, and you'll find that basically all GPS devices work exactly the same (via NMEA) - although using the one referenced here might still be safest.
To get both running, just wire them both up - the GPS module will have to go on a different pin to the WiFi - maybe B7. Then you literally just paste in the example GPS code and the example WiFi code one after the other, upload to the board - and then work from there.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Hi, thanks for posting up!
As others have said, GPS and WiFi should be no problem at all - it's something Espruino will be very good at. I'd recommend you use the ESP8266 for WiFi at the moment, and you'll find that basically all GPS devices work exactly the same (via NMEA) - although using the one referenced here might still be safest.
To get both running, just wire them both up - the GPS module will have to go on a different pin to the WiFi - maybe B7. Then you literally just paste in the example GPS code and the example WiFi code one after the other, upload to the board - and then work from there.
Good luck!