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  • Do you think it could be a problem with the software SPI when the Espruino goes in sleep mode?

    Are you using setDeepSleep(1)? I doubt it'd be a software SPI issue, but that will stop Espruino from receiving Serial data when it's asleep. Without it, it should be ok though.

    Warning message

    Well, that's telling you you're out of memory - but you're saying you don't get that without the LoopbackA.setConsole() (I assume that's what you meant, and not setConsole(LoopbackA); that you wrote?).

    I guess the only possibility there is that LoopbackA loops characters back to LoopbackB, which then stores (up to 512) of them. Any more get dropped off the end.

    If you were very short on memory I guess those extra 512 chars could cause you problems?


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