but the screen remained blank. I haven't had a chance to come back to it since then.
Ahh, give it a go now - I changed the initialisation code - there's a lot of extra stuff that could be set up, and some things to do with the charge pump for displays that didn't have a built in power supply. The Arduino library had what seemed to be some much more general purpose initialisation code.
@JackJamesHoward it's the SSD1306 - see here. There are a few links on that page to EmbeddedAdventures and AdaFruit, but you can find them other places too. You want the 128x64 pixel variant.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Ahh, give it a go now - I changed the initialisation code - there's a lot of extra stuff that could be set up, and some things to do with the charge pump for displays that didn't have a built in power supply. The Arduino library had what seemed to be some much more general purpose initialisation code.
@JackJamesHoward it's the SSD1306 - see here. There are a few links on that page to EmbeddedAdventures and AdaFruit, but you can find them other places too. You want the 128x64 pixel variant.