• #2
Yes, I think it's as easy as
- eval should use the current scope.Maybe a 'nicer' way of doing it is:
var myEffect = new Function("any","args","callback",require("fs").readFileSync()); // file might contain: "console.log(any, args); callback();" myEffect("Hello","World", function() { ... });
So then you pass in what you want as arguments, and you load the code in as a function - so it's easy to just delete that function later if you want to free the memory.
... maybe wait for 1v80 before you try writing to the SD card though - @JumJum discovered a bug in 1v73 - 1v79 that could corrupt SD card contents.
• #3
@Gordon you are the man! Thx for the fast reply and the awesome short snippet.
Really good idea to put content to function and execute them directly.
Do you have any hints for me, when the 1v80 will release? Or did the bugfix already exsists on GitHub?Before I implement this stuff, I have to wait for the ESP12 board from OSHPark and try out the WiFi communication. Next step is to add small library to stream JavaScript content to Pico. Last step is to store this content (effect functions) to SD for later use...
• #5
I just try to flash this one:
everything worked on flashing progress.
But now my demo-code brings some errors:function flash_led1(led_on) { digitalWrite(LED1, led_on); } function pulse_led2() { digitalPulse(LED2, 1, 150); } // when button is pressed setWatch(function(e) { console.log("Press at "+e.time); digitalWrite(LED2, 0); flash_led1(1); }, BTN, {repeat: true, edge: "rising", debounce: 50}); // when button is pressed setWatch(function(e) { console.log("Release at "+e.time); flash_led1(0); pulse_led2(); }, BTN, {repeat: true, edge: "falling", debounce: 50});
Press at Uncaught Error: Field or method "time" does not already exist, and can't create it on undefined at line 2 col 28 console.log("Press at "+e.time); ^ in function called from system Release at Uncaught Error: Field or method "time" does not already exist, and can't create it on undefined at line 2 col 30 console.log("Release at "+e.time); ^ in function called from system
• #6
This is a bug with debounce.
• #8
Yes, sorry - I'll try and get that fixed for the next release.
• #9
Fixed now, it'll be in the 1v80 release. Available from http://www.espruino.com/binaries/git/commits/03bc4de4ed9fee0a7863c0e55040ad79f2a2fa35 in a few minutes
is it possible to load script files from SD card and execute the code/functions in the current environment?
This would be really helpfull to add additional effect code via WiFi and store it for later use on SD card ;)