• Gordon,
    yes, same code.

    these errors, which in effect are the same errors as above, but without the debug output.
    The getAPs.js example works, anything that tries to set up a connection does not.

    Uncaught CWMODE failed: AT+CWMODE=1
     at line 2 col 42
                              if (err) throw err;
    in function "b" called from line 2 col 2
    in function "d" called from line 1 col 26
    {e=void 0;var b;d&&(b=d(a))?(e=g,d=b):clearTimeout(c);void 0...
    in function "e" called from line 1 col 291
    in function called from system
    Uncaught CWMODE failed: undefined
     at line 2 col 42
                              if (err) throw err;
    in function "b" called from line 2 col 2
    in function "d" called from line 1 col 16
    {e=void 0;d&&d()}
    in function called from system