It's not broken out - don't be silly - but it's an SOIC-16 part without much clutter around it, so easy to get onto the pin. It's pin 7 on the 16 pin SYN470, by the way, or pin 4 on the 8-pin SYN-480.
I'm not even sure if the data squelching resistor isn't in place in the modules already - I've only used them after I'd decided to go with AVRs for handling 433mhz rf.The cheap modules are superregenerative receivers, whereas the SYN4x0's are real superhet receivers. You may not find an analogous point to connect to on the cheap ones.
That sounds great - it's a bit of a shame it's not done by default, but presumably at least the CTH pin is brought out on those more expensive modules?
I'll have to see about reverse engineering the cheap modules in case there is something similar on there.