Thanks for the pointers guys. I just found jim-knobf myself a couple of minutes ago.
The issues with widget sets are:
1) You can't please all of the people all of the time. Thus selecting one widget set and it's associated API's is not on.
2) We certainly don't want to bloat the system by including large widget libraries of which only a fraction will be used.
3) We think people should be able to make their own.
Thus, we'll be using the graphic elements from things like Jim Knobf, and inserting the real-time update code from ThingStudio, which is minimal, into them. This facility will be available to anyone using ThingStudio, not just us.
@allObjects neat find! dojo looks like a very interesting framework.
Have been googling SVG based widgets there are quite a few libs and this one for knobs http://eskimoblood.github.io/jim-knopf/
And for a bit of fun http://bl.ocks.org/brattonc/5e5ce9beee483220e2f6 NB. hit refresh once page loads
And I would love to create something like this http://demo.hmi-project.com/system/ the HIM Project are the goto guys for industrial HMIs.