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  • Hi Stevie, my only goal is to connect 2 picos, I don't really have a preference as to how it does it. I had presumed bluetooth was the only option.
    I'll look at the NRF24 you mention and see if that will help me out. Thanks for the tip.
    Is this it? again I struggle to find pico specific stuff.
    Many thanks

  • Yes - that's it.

    Unless otherwise noted, all the modules can be used with the Pico. You might have to change pin numbers, depending on how you want to connect it, but you may not even need to do that (edit: in this case you do not - the pins are present on the pico, in the easy to access 0.1" header, and the SPI pins still have an SPI on them in the pico). ST tends to keep peripherals in the same places throughout their STM32 line.


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