• #2
My code:
var ocm=function(menu,option) { console.log("menu:"+menu+" option: "+option); if (menu==1) { if (option==0) { console.log("LIGHTS ON"); //do lights on calls } else if (option==1) { console.log("LIGHTS OFF"); //do lights off calls } else if (option==2) { console.log("SWITCH :"); digitalWrite(LED1,1); return {type:2,timeout:15}; } else if (option==3) { console.log("DESK :"); digitalWrite(LED1,1); return {type:3,timeout:15}; } else if (option==4) { console.log("NIXIE :"); digitalWrite(LED1,1); return {type:4,timeout:15}; } } else { if (menu==2) { // toggle a fargo or RF controlled device console.log("toggle device "+option); if (option < 8) { setFargo(option,!fargo[option]); console.log("set fargo"+option); } } else if (menu==3) { // control desk lamp console.log("desk lamp "+option); } else if (menu==4) { // control nixie clock if (option==0) { //clock on setDesk("nixs=1;uplcd();"); } else if (option==1) { //clock off setDesk("nixs=0;uplcd();"); } else if (option==2) { //time setDesk("nixs=1;MnuS=0;MnuO=0;uplcd();"); } else if (option==3) { //temp setDesk("nixs=1;MnuS=0;MnuO=1;uplcd();"); } else if (option==4) { //humidity setDesk("nixs=1;MnuS=0;MnuO=2;uplcd();"); //} else if (option==5) { //pressure // setDesk("nixs=1;MnuS=0;Mnu0=3;uplcd();") } } } digitalWrite(LED1,0); return {type:1,timeout:0}; }; var otm=function(){ digitalWrite(LED1,0); this.setRecognize(1,0); }; //My standard fargo network commands fargosturl=""; dateurl=""; fargourl=""; deskurl=""; fargo=new Uint8Array(8); function setDesk(command) { console.log("setDesk:"+deskurl+command); require("http").get(deskurl+command, function(res) { res.on('close',function () { if(this.code!=200) { console.log("Error commanding desklamp/nixie: "+this.code); } }); }); console.log("desk command"+command); } function getFargostatus() { var fargost=""; require("http").get(fargosturl, function(res) { res.on('data',function (data) {fargost+=data;}); res.on('close',function() {var tfs=JSON.parse(fargost); vtfs=tfs; for (var i=0;i<8;i++) { fargo[i]=tfs.relaystate[i].state;} if(MnuS==3){uplcd(1);}}); }); } function setFargo(relay,state) { var postfix = (state) ? "/on":"/off"; require("http").get(fargourl+(relay+1).toString()+postfix, function(res) { res.on('close',function () { if(this.code!=200) { fargo[relay]=state; } }); }); } function getDate() { var date=""; require("http").get(dateurl, function(res) { res.on('data',function (data) {date+=data;}); res.on('close',function() {clk=new Clock(date);}); }); //delete getDate; } function onInit() { Serial1.setup(9600,{tx:B6,rx:B7}); evr=require("easyvr").connect(Serial1,ocm,otm,otm); Serial2.setup(9600, { rx: A3, tx : A2 }); wifi = require("ESP8266WiFi").connect(Serial2, function(err) { if (err) throw err; wifi.reset(function(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Connecting to WiFi"); wifi.connect("TwilightZone","L0st1nTheZ0ne", function(err) { if (err) throw err; console.log("Connected"); // Now you can do something, like an HTTP request evr.setRecognize(1,0); setTimeout(getFargostatus,1000); setInterval(getFargostatus,30000); }); }); }); }
Trace attached
Thanks to anyone who can see what's getting duplicated in memory and eating up memory....
1 Attachment
• #3
Any chance you could do a trace, process a few commands, and then do another one and attach both?
It'd make it easier to diff them...
• #4
Traces before and after turning my desk light off and on with my voice. (Switch, option 4 on the submenu)
2 Attachments
• #5
Just looked and I'm pretty sure that in this case it's because there are two open HTTP connections. It's odd because the
connection: close
header was sent so the server should have just closed the connection right away.This is done with the ESP8266?
• #6
Yup, ESP8266 on Pico.
• #7
Any ideas on what's going on here?
I'd really like to get this working; I'm dead in the water currently on this project right now because of this memory leak, which I really don't know how to approach fixing.
• #8
Well, it's because there are still open HTTP connections - However I don't know whether that is because the server isn't closing the connection, or because somehow Espruino isn't responding to what the ESP8266 says.
What happens if you check the memory usage one minute later? If it's lower then it may well be that the server isn't closing the connection.
And you're not getting any errors reported? I guess you could use the
to see if the ESP8266 really is reporting that the connections are closed.Does
always end up getting called for every HTTP request? If it is and the request still isn't closed then there's some bigger issue. -
• #9
(sorry for multipost, forum is breaking edit window every time I scroll in it...)
res.on('close',...) is not being called.
Ever, for any of the requests
function setFargo(relay,state) { console.log("setFargo called"); var postfix = (state) ? "/on":"/off"; require("http").get(fargourl+(relay+1).toString()+postfix, function(res) { res.on('close',function () { console.log("onClose called"); if(this.code==200) { fargo[relay]=state; } }); }); }
Here's a log of that "onClose called" is never recorded. I also added that to the more boring ones, and saw the same behavior :-/ So yeah - it looks like on close event isn't being handled on the ESP8266:
• #10
setFargo called ["AT+CIPSTART=0,\"TCP\",\"\",80\r\n" set fargo4 Sending command: o With arg: A serial data watch: o serial data: 111 status no data to get STS_SUCCESS o 1 kicking off recognize Sending command: d With arg: B ] "\r\n" <--- "\r\n" ] "OK" <--- "OK" ] "OK\r\n" <--- "\r\n" ] "Linke" <--- "Linke" ] "Linked" <--- "d" ] "Linked\r\n" <--- "\r\n" ["AT+CIPSEND=0,64\r\nGET /api/relay/5/off HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: Espruino 1v77\r\nConnec" ] ">" <--- ">" ] "> " <--- " " ] "> \r" <--- "\r" ] "\nSEN" <--- "\nSEN" ] "SEND " <--- "D " ] "SEND OK" <--- "OK" ] "SEND OK\r" <--- "\r" ] "\n" <--- "\n" ["AT+CIPSEND=0,35\r\ntion: close\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n" ] ">" <--- ">" ] "> " <--- " " ] "> \r" <--- "\r" ] "\nSE" <--- "\nSE" ] "SEND" <--- "ND" ] "SEND O" <--- " O" ] "SEND OK\r" <--- "K\r" ] "\n\r\n+" <--- "\n\r\n+" ] "+IP" <--- "IP" ] "+IPD," <--- "D," ] "+IPD,0,9" <--- "0,9" ] "+IPD,0,98:H" <--- "8:H" ] "+IPD,0,97:TTP" <--- "TTP" ] "+IPD,0,94:/1." <--- "/1." ] "+IPD,0,91:1 20" <--- "1 20" ] "+IPD,0,87:0 O" <--- "0 O" ] "+IPD,0,84:K\r\nA" <--- "K\r\nA" ] "+IPD,0,80:cce" <--- "cce" ] "+IPD,0,77:ss-C" <--- "ss-C" ] "+IPD,0,73:ont" <--- "ont" ] "+IPD,0,70:rol" <--- "rol" ] "+IPD,0,67:-All" <--- "-All" ] "+IPD,0,63:ow-" <--- "ow-" ] "+IPD,0,60:Orig" <--- "Orig" ] "+IPD,0,56:in:" <--- "in:" ] "+IPD,0,53: *\r\n" <--- " *\r\n" ] "+IPD,0,49:Con" <--- "Con" ] "+IPD,0,46:nec" <--- "nec" ] "+IPD,0,43:tion" <--- "tion" ] "+IPD,0,39:: c" <--- ": c" ] "+IPD,0,36:lose" <--- "lose" ] "+IPD,0,32:\r\nC" <--- "\r\nC" ] "+IPD,0,29:ache" <--- "ache" ] "+IPD,0,25:-Co" <--- "-Co" ] "+IPD,0,22:ntr" <--- "ntr" ] "+IPD,0,19:ol: " <--- "ol: " ] "+IPD,0,15:max" <--- "max" ] "+IPD,0,12:-age" <--- "-age" ] "+IPD,0,8:=60" <--- "=60" ] "+IPD,0,5:0\r\n" <--- "0\r\n" ] "+IPD,0,2:\r\n\r\n" <--- "\r\n\r\n" ] "OK\r\n" <--- "OK\r\n" ] "\r" <--- "\r" ] "\nO" <--- "\nO" ] "OK\r" <--- "K\r" ] "\nUn" <--- "\nUn" ] "Unli" <--- "li" ] "Unlin" <--- "n" ] "Unlink\r" <--- "k\r" ] "\n" <--- "\n"
• #11
Well, that's interesting though -
is being sent, which means the connection has been closed. It should have been picked up by the driver - I'll have to look at that, because I'm sure it works on mine... -
• #12
Figured out what's going on here.
res.on('close') is not called when the body of the response has length of 0 (which is common in REST API's), and the response never seems to get cleared out (presumably the same logic as on('close'). I have no idea how that callback is called, so I can't really pursue it further
• #13
Ok, is that specific to the ESP8266 - did it work on CC3k/WIZnet before, or you're developing something new with the ESP8266?
Someone had similar problems with CC3000 (I think) earlier, and I'd assumed it was that the connection had closed before the connect callback got called - but it seems that may not be the case.
• #14
I have code running on I think v72 w/wiznet that has been making requests to that api dozens of times a day for weeks since last reset - (not certain of on('close') is being called, but I think it is... there's certainly no memory leak)
• #15
Strange - Just fixed it. Try this link in a few minutes: http://www.espruino.com/binaries/git/commits/5ae24206fb924569f14265fa57372132356a7a75
It could have been a regression in 1v75. I had to make sockets 'throttle' the amount they read so that data doesn't get lost when piping to something that can't take the data fast enough - that might have introduced the problem I guess.
• #16
Awesome, thanks! I'll give this a try tonight.
• #17
This looks to be working now! Hurray!
I've got my voice recognition program working on a Pico, using EasyVR2.0.
It works - I can say "Switch Desk" and it switches the desk light on/off, etc by sending an http request over the ESP8266.
Unfortunately, there's a problem. Every time it processes a command, it loses 100 jsvars. It's definitely something I'm doing, but I can't figure out if it's a bug in my code that's just my fault, or
I can't read the trace() output effectively - I see tons of stuff duplicated, and I don't know which is the junk that's my user code, and which is an artifact of the output format.
EasyVR.js (idea is - you tell module to setRecognize(), then that sets the timeout. The EasyVR replies that that was successful, triggering the command to start listening. Noise will result in either an error response, or a result response (if the noise was me saying "Nixie" or w/e), and then fires the appropriate callback