• Aktively montoring/apply editorial changes to the blog - or creating a separate tech support db = is tons of work. Today's search capabilities gets you there... may be with a bit more milling through irrelevant stuff - and once in a while confused by seaming and real duplicats.

    If 'General' is not tied to 'Javascript', that would already help... When you are new to something, you are also new to the terminology/taxonomy/... sometimes you just have no clue / shoot in the dark. For that an unconspicious Help! category - next to General (JS) - could work. What should happen though after the problem is solved, the whole conversation should be moved to the cattegory the problem was all about. Also, the forum should support a split of a conversation. Very often, a conversations start at one point - may not even be thr right catagory - and then the problems and solutions morph into somethong totally different than the conversation started with. A split would automatically put references - backward/parent and forward/child in place to not lose the context without having to invest in editorial work, but allow to give more accurate conversation titles to the split pieces.


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