• So it is finally time to pull the trigger on getting a proper lab/workbench set up at home.

    Here's my plans:

    The board area is 180cm * 90cm and I've divided it up in PC (home studio, gaming and CAD) and EE.
    I'll have to buy everything except the PC and the audio stuff.

    Let me know if I'm missing something important (I've got a fluke on my way, didn't forget DMM ;) ) or if you have ideas / criticism / love / hate etc.

    Extremely exiting times ahead for the little kid in me :)

    EDIT: Oh, and the table itself is extremely rugged. Got it free from a company (Texas Instruments) that had to move (they were our neighbors) - so thank you TI for that! I think it should be able to support this stuff (time will tell....)
