The issue you're having is expected I'm afraid. What happens is Espruino detects that it is connected to USB and sends a few characters, but nothing on the PC is reading the data and so the pico just sits there waiting.
If you connect to the port on the pc with any program (not just the ide) then the pico will start working. I do plan to fix it soon though.
As far as usb power, lack of power draw could be your problem. Maybe try putting a low value (100 ohm? ) resistor between gnd and 5v and see if it starts working.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
The issue you're having is expected I'm afraid. What happens is Espruino detects that it is connected to USB and sends a few characters, but nothing on the PC is reading the data and so the pico just sits there waiting.
If you connect to the port on the pc with any program (not just the ide) then the pico will start working. I do plan to fix it soon though.
As far as usb power, lack of power draw could be your problem. Maybe try putting a low value (100 ohm? ) resistor between gnd and 5v and see if it starts working.