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  • This would be your get going sequence:

    1. wire all up including pico to your pc
    2. open ide
    3. connect to espruino
    4. paste your code into the edit / right hand pane
    5. upload to the board
    6. wait
    7. wait
    8. wait
    9. watch console where the default handler's decoded line will show.

    It takes some time for the module to actually provide a line that the line handler can process...

    Before useful data shows through the default handler, the gps (hardware) module receives already lines and sends them to the (js) module, but they are not yet the lines the default handler looks for. That's why I added an enhanced handler that gives more information back then the default handler built into the Espruino module.

    When I built it, I was not familiar with the module build/update process... but now I could make a pull request and have other's benefit automatically from the get going.


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