Even red LED doesn't blink when I connect Pico to PC. Can I replace broken components or there is no point and I should wait for the next batch? If there is chance to replace components, how can I find burnt one? I have multimeter and I can recognize only surface mount resistors and capacitors.
By visual inspection component labeled as C106L seems little bit off and when measuring resistance with multimeter it doesn't show anything. But I can't be sure as my multimeter is acting weird lately (random values when there is no contact, going to buy new one).
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Even red LED doesn't blink when I connect Pico to PC. Can I replace broken components or there is no point and I should wait for the next batch? If there is chance to replace components, how can I find burnt one? I have multimeter and I can recognize only surface mount resistors and capacitors.
By visual inspection component labeled as C106L seems little bit off and when measuring resistance with multimeter it doesn't show anything. But I can't be sure as my multimeter is acting weird lately (random values when there is no contact, going to buy new one).