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  • I can see how Angular can really work for websites, and I have used similar things in production sites I've done and I've loved it. I just think in this case (with very few views, not many controls, but lots of code) it might do more harm than good.

    At the moment, I just see that your current version reintroduces a lot of the pain I was trying to avoid with the refactor (having every UI element on the main page defined in one place). It's not a major issue at the moment, but when people try and contribute extra things (just look at the existing non-refactored Web IDE's main.html) it turns into a complete mess really quickly.

    For HTML - I get the formatting issue - but does it matter? I use Chrome element inspector and that formats it all nicely for me anyway :) I just wonder what things like the settings page would look like with dynamically loaded HTML...


    html += '<input name="'+configName+'" type="checkbox" style="float: right;" '+(value?"checked":"")+'/>';


    $.get("/templates/settings_input_checkbox_"+(value?"checked":"unchecked")+".html", function(data) {
     $(data.replace("{{name}}",configName)).appendTo(".settings .current");

    Doesn't seem much better to me. I'd be totally with you on using jQuery to build the elements though - and that would solve the escaping issue:

    $( '<input/>' ).attr({
      name: configName,
      type: "checkbox"
      // ...

    And then maybe anything that's more complex than a simple element gets loaded from a file? Although I hope there won't be too much of that.

    Wrt plugins: I've had a bad time with them to be honest. Better support is great - except keeping each one of your plugins up to date is a nightmare... And what happens when you update jQuery and that breaks a bunch of them, and you find your plugin hasn't been updated since 2006?

    So I'm really not convinced for the smaller stuff - but for the big things, awesome - and to be honest the Terminal is a big thing (I just didn't find a workable version when I started making the Web IDE so I had to roll my own)...

    Anyway, thanks for looking into it!


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