Wow, that's great - thanks for posting the graphs. It's amazing how the temperature changes.
I guess it's hard to do on a single battery charge, but it'd be amazing to be able to go up and down repeatedly and actually animate the graph over time as the weather changes :)
I'll try and help out with the BME280 - Hopefully it won't be too painful to do :)
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Wow, that's great - thanks for posting the graphs. It's amazing how the temperature changes.
I guess it's hard to do on a single battery charge, but it'd be amazing to be able to go up and down repeatedly and actually animate the graph over time as the weather changes :)
I'll try and help out with the BME280 - Hopefully it won't be too painful to do :)
Have you seen this?
The BME680 doesn't seem to be available yet, but when it arrives it might be really interesting for you :)