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  • Yup, the MKW01Z128CHN (most difficult name I've ever seen) got more and more interesting as I read the datasheet, looks like a nice design to my untrained eye.

    You're absolutely right that there are cheaper and easier ways to do low-powered RF, I was really trying to find the ideal solution for a tiny low-powered wireless sensor. That's a long way off, but I like checking out the territory in advance.

    STM32F030 with 256 KB doesn't seem to be out yet, at least not in lower volumes, but it looks like a good option in combination with an external transceiver. Very good point about no extra software effort required!

    I've been thinking about the possibility of using external memory. Good to know it's not too difficult, should the need for that arise some day.

    Good luck with the firefighting and shipping! I'm very grateful that you're making Espruino at all, it has opened up the world of microcontrollers for me :)


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