So it looks pretty straightforward - just sending a few bytes down I2C, reading the result back, and converting it to 16 bit. It should just be a few lines.
Having said that it seems that it might use I2C repeated start, which I'm not sure works on Espruino just yet. There's a bug open for it. It's something I am planning to soon fix though, I'm just a bit short on time right now!
It may be that it's not needed, but without a module to test with I can't be sure.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
The app note seems like what you need. Specifically:
So it looks pretty straightforward - just sending a few bytes down I2C, reading the result back, and converting it to 16 bit. It should just be a few lines.
Having said that it seems that it might use I2C repeated start, which I'm not sure works on Espruino just yet. There's a bug open for it. It's something I am planning to soon fix though, I'm just a bit short on time right now!
It may be that it's not needed, but without a module to test with I can't be sure.