Well, you could set the read only bits in the flash memory, so the device couldn't be read by the normal means - but that website may have discovered a way around ST's protection.
Then there's the ability to just connect via serial/USB and access the console, but you can turn that off.
To be honest the only thing I could suggest is to use minification/obfuscation tools on the JS before you upload it, maybe using the compiler on some functions when it is a bit more mature. Then your code is as open to this kind of thing as basically anything on a microcontroller.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Well, you could set the read only bits in the flash memory, so the device couldn't be read by the normal means - but that website may have discovered a way around ST's protection.
Then there's the ability to just connect via serial/USB and access the console, but you can turn that off.
To be honest the only thing I could suggest is to use minification/obfuscation tools on the JS before you upload it, maybe using the compiler on some functions when it is a bit more mature. Then your code is as open to this kind of thing as basically anything on a microcontroller.