Stupid question, but are you using an up to date firmware on the board? I know a while back there were issues where big values for setTimeout/setInterval overflowed an internal counter - I can't remember if that was on the firmware that comes flashed onto the boards when you get them.
I can actually log into the board I have here and type dump(). I can see the setTimeout that it shows has a value that gradually decreases from 1 hour each time I run it, so the state doesn't seem to have got corrupted...
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Stupid question, but are you using an up to date firmware on the board? I know a while back there were issues where big values for
overflowed an internal counter - I can't remember if that was on the firmware that comes flashed onto the boards when you get them.I can actually log into the board I have here and type
. I can see thesetTimeout
that it shows has a value that gradually decreases from 1 hour each time I run it, so the state doesn't seem to have got corrupted...