• I noticed - on mistakes (miscoding) - on my part, when interval/timeout things repeat more often or get faster than expected, that I had multiple 'the same' intervals/timeouts running at the same time: my code created the same interval/timeout unintentionally again time skewed. From 'severely' glancing over the code I do not think this should happen in your piece of code, but give it a check... (log the interval id's and timeout id's you get when setting them together with the variable names you stick the interval into (---> i), and also which ones you clear... this may help you detect multiples running or exclude 'my theory' from being a possible cause).

    (since you use an onboard LED, I exclude the option of an auto reset / brown out on power break down as have been noticed when LED strings - are run from the board's power or board supplying USB power (if not 8, then 9 RGB LEDs on full white will tear down a standard USB).

    @Gordon, could it be that the timeout/s is/are not 'completed' when the deep sleep set's in which the deep sleep 'command' resides? ...or some reentrant issues in timing code... I guess I goe on wild goose chase and fishing in a muddy pond (muddy for me ignorant, crystal clear for you as the creator, @Gordon!)


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