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  • The Espruino having USB HID support could be spot on for an idea I have. There are so many reasons to have MIDI pedals to control page turning of music or audio effects on tablets and laptops. The problem is that the pedal boards you can buy cost so much and still need a MIDI to USB adaptor. If the Espruino could support a MIDI USB HID then all I would have to add is a few switches, LEDs and a maybe a small screen and I could have something that would fit the bill.

    I can see that the Espruino Pico kickstarter project hit its USB HID Support stretch goal and I assume that this feature will also be rolled back into the original Espruino too. Can I ask if USB MIDI support will be added and how any development might be going? (I'm happy to wait for a feature like this, I was just wondering if it was going to be possible or not).



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