• A C based AES implementation could be very handy. While a port to JS might be painful, actually using the C code directly would be relatively easy if you were willing to compile your own firmware. The AES code above might work but appears to be designed for 8 bit, whereas maybe a 32 bit one would more simple.

    @Ganehag is also working on a SHA hash for Espruino too, which might be helpful if you don't care about encryption but instead just want to be sure that data is valid.

    Having said that about AES, some people would say that bad security is worse than no security. I'm not sure, but it seems like someone could crack 128 bit AES quite quickly... If they're motivated enough to sniff packets then perhaps the encryption isn't much of an obstacle either... Not to mention the potential pitfalls if you implement your own key exchange and there's a problem.


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