I actually had a play with this last night, and I've now got a really nice setup - a 433Mhz receiver, 2 resistors, a USB plug and an audio jack.
I've also got a webpage that will decode signals from the mains socket remote control and an 'Owl' electricity monitor. When I get it a bit more polished (hopefully with the ability to post data to something like Xively) I'll post it up on GitHub.
Personally I think it's a really neat solution. Maybe £3 in parts (and no software installation) and you can get all your 433Mhz wireless sensors online - and then maybe you'll decide you want to add some Espruino-based sensors too :)
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I actually had a play with this last night, and I've now got a really nice setup - a 433Mhz receiver, 2 resistors, a USB plug and an audio jack.
I've also got a webpage that will decode signals from the mains socket remote control and an 'Owl' electricity monitor. When I get it a bit more polished (hopefully with the ability to post data to something like Xively) I'll post it up on GitHub.
Personally I think it's a really neat solution. Maybe £3 in parts (and no software installation) and you can get all your 433Mhz wireless sensors online - and then maybe you'll decide you want to add some Espruino-based sensors too :)