So you mean the picture on Adafruit/Makersify's site seems to be of the connector that would fit, but yours isn't the same? Real shame that Makersify aren't helping - I was under the impression that they were pretty good.
What's the distance between the two holes for pins? It's hard to measure but it should be 2mm - if it's not then it's definitely not the advertised PH connector.
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Hi, Thanks!
So you mean the picture on Adafruit/Makersify's site seems to be of the connector that would fit, but yours isn't the same? Real shame that Makersify aren't helping - I was under the impression that they were pretty good.
What's the distance between the two holes for pins? It's hard to measure but it should be 2mm - if it's not then it's definitely not the advertised PH connector.