I should really create a module for 433Mhz with basically the fastest JS code I can get for the receiver. The impression I get is that with debounce on the setWatch it should be just about usable (although it could miss the occasional transmit).
With careful forming of the signals you send (eg. a long (4ms?) pulse of radio at the start, which will give Espruino a noiseless period in which to chew through all the data it buffered up) it should still be pretty reliable though.
I will be fixing the issue with Espruino being overwhelmed in version 1v72 of the firmware, so at least that shouldn't be such an issue any more - however USB/Serial share the same buffer as interrupts, so if the buffer gets full you'll still have trouble communicating with Espruino.
Hopefully when I get time to implement this 'native code in interrupts' thing the problem will be totally solved though.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I should really create a module for 433Mhz with basically the fastest JS code I can get for the receiver. The impression I get is that with debounce on the setWatch it should be just about usable (although it could miss the occasional transmit).
With careful forming of the signals you send (eg. a long (4ms?) pulse of radio at the start, which will give Espruino a noiseless period in which to chew through all the data it buffered up) it should still be pretty reliable though.
I will be fixing the issue with Espruino being overwhelmed in version 1v72 of the firmware, so at least that shouldn't be such an issue any more - however USB/Serial share the same buffer as interrupts, so if the buffer gets full you'll still have trouble communicating with Espruino.
Hopefully when I get time to implement this 'native code in interrupts' thing the problem will be totally solved though.