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  • Hi Gordon,

    The espruino is still usable after the calling both connect() functions, I can enter new commands and do whatever I want with it – only when trying a wlan.reconnect() it will hang for a while.
    .getIP() only tells me that there is no internet connection, as does .setIP(): My router logs all connection attempts and known devices and when they were last seen, thats why I think it's not even trying.

    VIN is connected to Bat, when putting it on the 3.3V the module-driver will just print a timeout when calling require on it. The CC3000 was the only thing connected to the espruino in my last tests.

    Since it was working one day and stopped working on the next, maybe there is something that can be reset on the CC3000? Is there anything it can remember? Otherwise its maybe just broken ;)

    But basically if it does not work, there's no way to find out why it doesn't work?



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