• #2
Yes, that looks really neat. The Arduino driver looks trivial - it should just be a few lines of JavaScript. If anyone has one and needs a hand getting it going, just post up here and I'll see what I can do.
Arduino driver code is at https://github.com/jonco91/hover_arduino/blob/master/Hover/Hover.cpp if anyone's interested.
It looks as simple as:
I2C1.setup(...); setInterval(function() { var data = I2C1.readFrom(0x42, 18); // do stuff with data }, 100);
• #3
There is a better, smaller, gesture sensor that also reads RGB (color detection) at $15 USD vs $40 USD for the larger Hoover PCB.
Very interesting board. The Arduino library looks quite simple but converting it to the Espruino "module/library" will probably need a professional JS programmer. Any takers?