• #2
Espruino has a real time clock which accurately records the elapsed time since the device was started (powered up). This can be retrieved in ms using getTime().
There is also a Date class which handles dates & times (calendar, years, months, days, hours, mins etc.)
These are tied together using the Clock class to manage the current date/time. An instance of this class needs to be instantiated/initialised every time the device is restarted as shown below:
var Clock = require("clock").Clock; var clk=new Clock(2014,4,15,23,45,0,0); // Initialise with specific date var clk=new Clock("Jun 23, 2014 12:18:02"); // ... or Initialise with specific date
You can then retrieve the current date/time as follows:
var currentDatetime = clk.getDate();
See http://www.espruino.com/Reference#Date , http://www.espruino.com/clock and http://www.espruino.com/Clocks for more details.
• #3
Ok so I will have to provide the current date & time at start up as a kind of calibration? With WiFi one can use a time provider I guess...
Thank you
• #4
Yes - that is exactly what I was planning to do.
Numerous simple services exist e.g.
http://currentmillis.com/api/millis-since-unix-epoch.phpThis should be easily integrated using http.get() see:
• #5
When you request a webpage from a webserver, the headers contain the current date and time - which can be parsed directly by
- that should make getting the time much easier.1v71 will have some changes so that it remembers the current time after a hard reset (only forgetting it when powered off). That should make keeping time a lot easier, as assuming you keep a battery connected it'll always remember the correct time once you've programmed it,
How do you achieve the current date and time? I have tried new Date(); but like this:
Thu Jan 1 1970 02:43:17 GMT+0000