• #2
Sorry about that :(
The editor saves the last code you uploaded to the board - I've been wanting to get it to save what was there when you last closed the editor, but for some reason I haven't been able to get that to work yet! You'd think it would be simple.
That's basically how the auto-save works anyway. Of course what's in the editor gets properly confusing if you're running two PC with two copies of the Web IDE signed in on the same account :(
• #3
Thanks Gordon. I've now decided to keep my code in a DropBox folder which automatically stores previous versions so I shouldn't lose anything again (so long as I remember to save!)
Oh - Congratulations on reaching the £15K for the Pico - it didn't take long - 2 days!!!
• #5
@user49360 that might be better - the issue is knowing when to save, but I guess I could just do it every few seconds.
The reason I didn't do that with the synced storage was the rate limiting, but hopefully local storage won't have that.
What code does the web ide decide to load when it starts up?
I assumed it had loaded my last saved file, I made a few changes to the code & saved it (overwriting my source file).
The problem was it was old code that was loaded, not the most recent & I lost some previous changes (not too bad, only took about 30 mins to redo).
It may be better if the IDE opened up with a blank code editor - at least we could be sure what was loaded.
Also: How does the auto-save to Chrome's Cloud Storage function?