• #2
Hi Dave,
Yes, that'd be absolutely fine. You could do something like:
myLCD.update(function(g,yOffset) { g.setFontVector(100); g.drawString("Hello",0,yOffset); g.drawString("World",100,yOffset+100); });
And then you can allocate a graphics buffer just while updating the LCD, leaving the memory free at other times.
It's just a shame those LCDs are so expensive - because they're really nice!
I would like to get one of the 400*240 displays but I assume the graphics buffer will take 12KB RAM.
I noticed that the current flip() function seems to write 1 line of pixels at a time to the display (i.e. linebuffer rather than frame buffer approach?)
Could I use a smaller graphics buffer to build & send one row of text at a time? (the display would "remember" the rest of what had been previously displayed)
e.g. if I was displaying 12 rows of text the buffer would only need to be 1KB. I would write one row at a time as needed.
I would obviously need to customise the MemoryLCD module.
I don't want to purchase one of these and then discover that I can't use it because of memory limitations.