• Regarding the pull-up (or pull-downs) are used to eliminate noise on the line when the line is not pulled either down or up by any of the devices on the bus. Noise may - and most likely will - reach levels that unintentionally trigger listening inputs when not taken care of. Good info to find at: http://i2c.info or http://www.i2c-bus.org/.

    After Manual switching to I2C mode, connect it as described in posts http://www.espruino.com/MPL115A2 and http://www.espruino.com/MCP4xxx.

    The posts suggests 4.7K..10K. The lower the resistance, the more the device has to drive, the better the noise immunity, and the higher the power consumption. Both Espruino and atlas-scientific are both able to drive 4.7K, so go for it.


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