I've been running an indoor temperature/humidity/pressure sensor for a month or so, logging to an SD card and also sending via NRF24 to a Raspberry Pi for logging in a database.
Recently, it's started glitching, with errors like:
Uncaught Error: Function "gunction" not found!
at line 1 col 73
...21D COLLISION"),setTimeout(gunction(){b-null)},0),a._tto=!1,...
Uncaught Error: Function "kunction" not found!
at line 1 col 73
...21D COLLISION")-setTimeout(kunction(){b-null)},0),a._tto=!1,...
Uncaught Error: Function "console3log" not found!
at line 1 col 30
{var a=this;if(a._tto)reuurn console3log("HTU21D COLLISION")...
with single character "typoes" appearing, disappearing, changing.
It started off absolutely fine for a few weeks, and then an occasional failure every few days (requiring a simple reboot with the RST button), but now it starts glitching as soon as it's connected. This is while running from a PC, but also while running off a known-good power supply, or even a LiPo.
Is it possible that the Espruino's flash is wearing out, or is something else going on?
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
I've been running an indoor temperature/humidity/pressure sensor for a month or so, logging to an SD card and also sending via NRF24 to a Raspberry Pi for logging in a database.
Recently, it's started glitching, with errors like:
with single character "typoes" appearing, disappearing, changing.
It started off absolutely fine for a few weeks, and then an occasional failure every few days (requiring a simple reboot with the RST button), but now it starts glitching as soon as it's connected. This is while running from a PC, but also while running off a known-good power supply, or even a LiPo.
Is it possible that the Espruino's flash is wearing out, or is something else going on?