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  • Hey guys,

    The project has made some real progress today, my SMD LED's arrived (although soldering 8 in series was a little horrible, dont think il be making them the same way after this prototype :P ).

    I currently have 8 in a chain, so thats the first line of my grid, for the Uint8Array that is in the format (8,5,3) do I simply need to continue the chain? as in will the first LED of the second row be chained from the end of the first row?

    Dont want to chain them and find out it wants a different setup :P I'm assuming it will be fine, but rather not make the mistake :D

    Also; Gordon,
    little confused as to what is occuring within the FOR loops/brackets in what you linked me. Its still simply increasing the values of X and Y? in order to move to the next LED.


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