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  • Thanks!

    could the board be perforated?

    I was wondering about that... There's no reason why it couldn't be, but I'm a bit scared of either:

    • It snapping off when it's not meant to
    • The board being damaged when the end is snapped off... it'll be 2mm thick, so the board itself will be harder to snap than a 'normal' 1.6mm PCB - and on top of that the non-leaded chip is more likely to come disconnected if the board is twisted.

    I could very easily re-arrange the wiring such that you could cut the end off if you wanted though. I'd imagine attacking it with a dremel would be far less likely to damage it than snapping the end off.

    "micro"-Espruino module

    That's a really nice idea. Someone on here was planning a wearables platform that looked a bit like that, but actually having solder-on boards for Espruino/protoboard/etc would be great - especially as I could do a whole series of small specific purpose boards (for example for connecting to a WiFi module). If I ditched the voltage regulator (the chip can run off 2-4v) then the actual module could be tiny.

    I think given how far I'm along with this one it's maybe a job for an Espruino v3.0 though ;)

    I guess it could come down to what the extra cost of producing two separate boards was, but I guess as one would be almost through-hole I could supply a more expensive assembled board, as well as a kit.


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