Yes, I'm in the process of doing a smaller board with a slightly bigger chip on it.
When that's done I'll be seeing if I can do a batch of 'super' Espruino boards with the biggest chip available on them though (96kB).
Did you actually try any of our memory reduction suggestions apart from turning on minification? You can fit a huge amount into even 1800 vars, so if your project isn't fitting then you might be defining something in a way that's taking up a lot more memory than you expect.
Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for low-power Microcontrollers. This site is both a support community for Espruino and a place to share what you are working on.
Yes, I'm in the process of doing a smaller board with a slightly bigger chip on it.
When that's done I'll be seeing if I can do a batch of 'super' Espruino boards with the biggest chip available on them though (96kB).
Did you actually try any of our memory reduction suggestions apart from turning on minification? You can fit a huge amount into even 1800 vars, so if your project isn't fitting then you might be defining something in a way that's taking up a lot more memory than you expect.