• #2
Hi Gordon, I'm on OSX so I can't really use the instructions at the end of the "Building" section of the README.md. I'm a nodejs developer by profession so I have just about everything else required (I presume) except for what looks like a custom script to build the HTML from github.
I'm making a sort of "Espruino for Dummies" page with helpful info about what people should learn as background and what tools to have on hand when beginning with Espruino development. I want to make sure the links work as expected before I do a pull request.
How can I obtain the custom build script and execute it on OSX? I'd be happy to update the README with the instructions as well.
• #3
Thanks for writing the guide - that'd be great.
If you've got node, all you should have to do to run the tool is:
node bin/build.js
(assuming you have the right modules) and all the html files will get dumped into the
directory. I've just updated the readme... If you find any other node modules that you need to install, please can you update the readme with them?
Hi! If you want to write/modify a tutorial for the website, I've added some quick information here that might help:
If you write a post on the forum then it is in markdown (the same as the Espriuno documentation) - which means you can basically copy (from the 'post edit' page) and paste it into a tutorial which can appear on the Espruino website.