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  • I am just trying to make my plant/soil/light sensor setup more reliable. I pretty much use the CC3000 example code from the code reference page, e.g. I connect every 60 sec, wait to be connected, get some data, then send it to Xively (thx @Gordon).

    The problem is I seem to be getting this from time to time:

    Complete, disconnecting...
    ERROR: Timeout in CC3000 driver (1)
    at line 73 col 6
    in function called from system
    Execution Interrupted during event processing - clearing all timers and watches.

    The problem is not the error itself, it is that all timers and watches get cleared. That means the espruino stands still. I can live well with that code failing from time to time.

    I think we had that discussion before - is there a way to keep the system running somehow?


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