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Member since Nov 2015 • Last active Nov 2015
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    Gordon, you have been the most thought provoking, forward-thinking person I've talked to about this db project, so thanks again for that! As I stated in the latest campaign update, Sensor I/O and general IoT enhancements will be my focus all weekend and throughout next week, so look for improvements in those areas soon. (Although documentation will have to wait until the campaign ends)

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    Thanks Gordon! Right now, SquareDB is ~35kb unpacked, but I just minified it and the size is only 9kb! I'll do my homework on the espruino and see what I can do about writing that tutorial. Can you point me in the direction of more information regarding what data from remote sensors would look like and how it can be useful? Thanks again for the direction.

    Oh, I forgot to mention in my comparison that none of those other libraries support data binding between the view and the model, but SquareDB + the SquareJS EventHub = 1 & 2 way databinding.

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    LokiJS uses collections and is a noSQL database. SquareDB uses a true relational structure which is 60% faster. More info and supporting tests are on the Kickstarter page. NeDB is based on a subset of Mongo, so again it works on the idea of noSQL and collections of objects - same for taffydb. alasql on the other hand is very interesting, I had not seen this one before. It does follow a very similar stategy with the biggest difference being the architecture. alasql uses string parsing and internal caching to initialize every query. SquareDB uses functional programming to allow caching of any portion of the query for reuse and there is very little string parsing to reduce overhead. I also noticed jQuery, lodash, etc being used which will hurt performance. SquareDB does not use convenience libraries to substitute for faster, native implementations. datavor seems a little less complete, albeit very fast. SQL is abstracted away so much by datavor that it doesn't let people who already know the syntax to reuse that skill. I try to write APIs that play off of what devlopers are already accustomed to.

    Documentation is pretty sparse, but the tests file shows some good implementation https://github.com/blujagu/square/blob/m­aster/test/squareDBTests.js

    I went ahead and launched the Kickstarter, so the perm link is https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/blu­jagu/squaredb

  • in JavaScript
    Avatar for SquareDB

    I've been working on a framework, SquareDB, that brings relational data storage and queries to the client. It's open-source and 100% JavaScript with no dependencies on a server. I'm not familiar with everything you can do with Espruino, but I'm guessing this technology would be useful. If you agree, please let me know how it would be useful to you. SquareDB is pre-alpha and is on GitHub

    I am also preparing to launch a Kickstarter and would be insterested in any feedback about the campaign before it launches. Preview at [dead link removed, Kickstarter launched]
