Avatar for user156224


Member since Aug 2023 • Last active Feb 2024
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156224

    Thank you both...you really helped me a lot with your explanations.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156224

    Thank you for the detailed explanation; it all makes sense now! I've included my code below where I store data in the "compressedData = []" array. Is there a way to save this data with fewer storage blocks or space?

    var lastTimestamp = 1692048524472;
    var lastElevation = 0;
    var compressedData = [];
    function compressData(sample) {
      // Split sample into timestamp and elevation
      var parts = sample.split("/");
      var timestamp = parts[0];
      var elevation = Math.round(parseFloat(parts[1]) * 100);
      // Calculate deltas
      var deltaTimestamp = (timestamp - lastTimestamp) / 10; // Time difference in tenths of milliseconds
      var deltaElevation = elevation - lastElevation;
      // Mask values
      deltaTimestamp &= 0xff;
      deltaElevation &= 0xffff;
      // Create buffer with 1 byte for timestamp delta and 2 bytes for elevation delta
      var buffer = new Uint8Array(3);
      buffer[0] = deltaTimestamp;
      buffer[1] = (deltaElevation >> 8) & 0xff;
      buffer[2] = deltaElevation & 0xff;
    	console.log("size = " + E.getSizeOf(buffer));
    	console.log("remaining blocks = " +process.memory().free);
      // Update last values
      lastTimestamp = timestamp;
      lastElevation = elevation;
      compressedData.push.apply(compressedData­, buffer);
    //the output is this:
    size = 3
    remaining blocks = 11820
    size = 3
    remaining blocks = 11817
    size = 3
    remaining blocks = 11814
    size = 3
    remaining blocks = 11811
    size = 3
    remaining blocks = 11808
    size = 3
    remaining blocks = 11805
    size = 3
    remaining blocks = 11802
  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156224

    Either by checking the free blocks before creating the array and after using "process.memory().free"
    or by using "E.getSizeOf(buffer)" and the answer is 3.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156224

    Thank you for your suggestions! I've tried both changing the variable name to 'b' and converting the three-byte array to a string using E.toString(). Unfortunately, neither approach seems to have reduced the number of blocks used.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156224

    I am working on a project where I generate data that initially occupies 17 bytes, and I compress it down to 3 bytes. These 3 bytes are then stored in a Uint8Array, as shown in the code snippet below:

    var buffer = new Uint8Array(3);
    buffer[0] = deltaTimestamp;
    buffer[1] = (deltaElevation >> 8) & 0xff;
    buffer[2] = deltaElevation & 0xff;

    I've noticed that this 3-byte array is taking up 3 blocks in memory, with each block being 14 bytes on my system. When I write this array to a binary file, the size of the file is just 3 bytes, as expected.

    I would like to understand why this 3-byte array is consuming 3 blocks instead of being represented within a single block, and if there's a way to optimize this. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
