• I currently having it working on a PIC16F1825 along with code to read FAT16 on an SD card, which is only 14kB of RAM, so I was kind of assuming that the Espruino would be able to cope as it's got a much more powerful MCU...

    If it was possible to essentially add the following pseudo code, I'm pretty sure it would work!

    var fs = require('fs');
    var filePointer = fs.loadFile('filename.raw'); // Does not load the file, simply keeps reference to the file.
    var data = filePointer.readByte(0); // reads the first byte
    data = filePointer.readByte(24); //skips 24 bytes, reads 1 more byte
    // or readBytes(skip, take); but 1 byte at a time is how my current code works

    Is the problem with how your JavaScript handler is relaying the commands to the MCU, or what's the actual issue? Maybe I can help and send pull some pull requests?


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