• This specific file is 438KB in size, so it's not "massive" by any means, but perhaps it's a bit too big to load in one go? I've not actually looked too deep into how much this chip can handle, so just taking wild assumptions based on me getting this working on a cheap PIC16F1825!

    I tried doing a trace on content.length instead of content itself, and unfortunately that gave the same results. I then decided to let it read the file into a variable, but do nothing with it, but instead start to blink an LED, and it does not seem to get as far as blinking the LED. If I remove the readFileSync() line, the LED blinks fine. So it would appear that it's having trouble with that one method rather than the trace() method.

    As for partial read... I'm more than happy doing some substr on the data to view specific chunks at a time (for now), just so I can confirm it is reading what I am expecting before I try to start sending it in chunks to a small speaker over PWM.


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