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  • Hi everyone.
    I've been navigating through the code if Espruino and the website for quite a while now (almost a week now), but I still could not end up with a solution to this.
    I'm working with some HW that is not supported by Espruino and would like to use it in my project.

    Unfortunately I could not find any interface in your code, nor any other way to separate the JS interpeter files from the rest. When I create the library it is always complaining about some extra calls that are missing,regardless what I include in the library.

    I've put a lot of effort into isolating the JS core interpreter from your project, but in the end there was absolutely no way to obtain a proper library with all and only the functions that handle JS.

    My guess about the most eligible files of the JS interpreter was this:

    Is there any way to compile your Espruino project a standalone, BSP (board and hardware) independant library that I can use with a documented interface ?


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