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  • Interesting thing today. DHCP has worked a few times (Not aware of changing anything) , but there is a mystery .. I get back

    >var eth = require("WIZnet").connect();
    > Receive DHCP_OFFER
    > Send DHCP_Request
    > Receive DHCP_ACK

    The mac address is the mystery .. the WizNet board is actually 00-08-dc-1d-4c-33 (or at least that is what is printed on the sticker on the board).

    The 02-08-09-ee-00-08 address does actually show up in the ARP table on my PC against

    However if I do set the IP/DNS/Gateway explicitly, I get the address on the sticker.

    Any idea where 02-08-09-ee-00-08 is coming from ?



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