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  • Last night I had been able to use my nRF52DK to load the bootloader and application hex files that I'd built, but couldn't get past a boot loop. It appeared to keep on timing out with a "WATCHDOG" message. I could get it into a DFU state (hold BTN1 then release as the ='s appear), but that wouldn't create a DfuTarg for updating.

    At that point I gave up and went to bed. As expected this morning, the watch had fully discharged and was blank. I plugged it in to charge and it all booted up like a new Bangle2! It said the storage was corrupt (no surprise there), then formatted it and proceeded to the Welcome app. Now I'm just letting it charge for a couple of hours before doing anything more.

    What is the importance of the DFU_UPDATE_BUILD=1? Should I rebuild the firmware without that option and re-program them using the nRF52DK?


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