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  • After drowning my KS BangleJS2 in my local swimming pool, I purchased an SMA Q3 from Alibaba (I was keen to get back into my Bangling without bothering Gordon).

    I've bought an nRF52, made a USB adapter cable and started following the instructions at­b/master/

    Building a native Espruino seemed to work, as did cross-compiling a PUCKJS version (the 'make' instruction is wrong in an obvious way). Then I tried making a BANGLEJS2 version, but I got the following message:

    make: *** No rule to make target '/home/andrew/source/repos/github/esprui­no/Espruino/targetlibs/nrf5x_15/modules/­nrfx/mdk/gcc_startup_nrf52840.S', needed by 'espruino_2v11_banglejs2.elf'. Stop.

    It looks like I'm missing an assembler?


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